

关闭 运行信息( 0.0058 秒):
错误警告 [文件 /www/wwwroot/www.1133kai.com/news/cache/index/list_article_21051a8d623cd227a33b12d86ea7779c.tpl.php 中,第 41 行] :Use of undefined constant thumb - assumed 'thumb' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `kjw` . `yzm_article` WHERE status=1 AND catid=7;
SELECT title,inputtime,url,description,thumb,click FROM `kjw` . `yzm_article` WHERE status=1 AND catid=7 ORDER BY listorder ASC,id DESC LIMIT 0,5;
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `kjw` . `yzm_article` WHERE status=1 AND catid=11;
SELECT title,inputtime,url,status FROM `kjw` . `yzm_article` WHERE status=1 AND catid=11 ORDER BY listorder ASC,id DESC LIMIT 0,20;
路由信息:模块( index ),控制器( index ),方法( lists ),参数( catid=7 )
框架版本:2.8 查看新版